Infershia Monsters > Dark Beasts Reffered to as meijuu which means Hades Beasts. ![]() EPISODE ONE: Troll Height: 503 cm (a regular monster is around 200 cm) Weight: 306 cm Myth Origin: A troll is a fearsome member of a mythical anthropomorph race from Scandinavian folklore. One type is similar to the ogres of English fairy tales. This giant beast (not mecha-giant, taller than a two-story house) attacked the suburb area where the Oz family lives at until Magimother freezes him with her power and he shatters apart. He was quickly disposed of. ![]() EPISODE TWO: Blob Height: 27.4 m Weight: 33 tons His club-shaped hand also becomes a cannon that spits out pea-looking pellets. He ate MagiRed and Magigreen literally and there were sneezed out when MagiPink becomes a pepper shaker. They fight with him in their Majin forms. ![]() EPISODE THREE: Dark Beast Worm Height: 52.3 m Length: 105.7 m Weight: 82.8 tons This huge eight headed worm would jump out of the ground and devour their victims. Whichever Haizobiru that would smack their whip on the ground, this worm would come out. They used MagiDragon aganist it. MagiPhoenix kicked a fire ball from MagiDragon to destroy this one. ![]() EPISODE FOUR: Cockatrice Height: 205 cm to 49 m Weight: 103 kg to 24.6 tons Myth Origin: A mythical creature with dragon's form and a rooster's head. Its reputed magical abilities include turning people to stone by either looking at them, touching them, or sometimes breathing on them, like a dragon breathing fire. Also reffered to as a Basilisk. He would turn his victims to stone with his breath, including MagiBlue. MagiRed used a mirror aganist his attack and he turned stone. MagiRed used his fire attack and destroyed him. WolZard used his dark magic (a infershia symbol appeared) to make him bigger. The Magiranger used MagiKing to finally dispose of him. ![]() EPISODE FIVE: Hell's Beast Mimic Height: 223 cm to 49.3 m Weight: 134 kg to 28.4 tons He was Vankyuria's pet that would obey them and could mimic a taxi cab. MagiPink disguised herself as Vankyuria to trick him into a rock quarry where they defeated him. MagiGreen, Yellow, and Blue were researching on the praying mantis that mimics one thing to trick their prey. This monster attacked Yamazaki and Red saved her from it. They defeated him with MagiKing. ![]() EPISODE SEVEN: Fungus Height: 216 cm to 31.5 m Weight: 111 kg to 16.2 tons He sends out a awful odor and fog that turns people in sand-like substance. This did not effect the Magiranger. He used a red cloud that made Magigreen, pink, and blue slow down in time. Luckily, Magiblue carried a potion her brother Magiyellow made eariler that made them all accelerate. MagiPhoenix and MagiGaruda took him down with MagiFairy as a ball. ![]() EPISODE EIGHT: Manticore Height: 209 cm to 30.4 m Weight: 106 kg to 15.5 tons Myth Origin: The manticore is a kind of chimera with the head of a man often with horns, blue eyes, several rows of iron teeth, the body of a (sometimes red-furred) lion, and the tail of a scorpion. He first attacked a actress that was shooting a cheerleading movie. He would bang on different parts of his body and armro to make drumming sounds. This would cause his victims to dance and then he would do them in. Once he was hit hard, the spell would ware off. Magiblue and Magipink defeated him with a dance rountine using the Ending Theme of the show. ![]() EPISODE NINE: Troll Height: 505cm Weight: 310kg Another troll, now with black clothing. The Magiranger destroyed him with a group attack but Wolzard brought him back and he had a the the energy Wolzard took from the rangers that enables them to form Magiking in his hand.... ![]() EPISODE NINE: Stone Troll/Golem Height: 48m Weight: 29.5 tons Myth Origin: In Jewish folklore, a golem is an animated being crafted from inanimate material. He became this new form and instantly became bigger. He took the energy Wolzard took from the rangers that enables them to form Magiking to make himself stronger. Stone Troll basically used Magiking's power. He did a similar 'Magical Showtime' attack but instead of MagiCalber, he threw multiple boulder clubs. It was defeated by Kai and his new form FireKaizer. ![]() EPISODE TEN: Petit Jericho Height: 263cm to 55.1m Weight: 111kg to 23.2t Eriko, Makito's crush gives him this cactus plant and uses Mandora-boy's pot much to his dismay---and the other siblings because he makes a ear-piercing scream when removed from his pot. Makito was wearing headphones. It was possessed by the creature below. It becomes this monster after eating various things in a very 'Little Shop of Horrors' sort of way. Mandora-boy was the only one to witness it eating things at first and tried to warn them but they didn't see anything in another horror movie rule. It wouldn't eat salad. Strange enough, it ate books and lamps but didn't eat a milk carton (drank milk) or a plate (ate eggs from the plate). It could throw needles. Using a new MagiKing magic "Magical Shower", it was able to turn back into an ordinary cactus.